Tuesday, November 26, 2013


What about the moments in which we feel that we're not but a wreack of ourselves?
To where can one for, when it feels like there's no where else to go?

For quite some time I've been feeling tired.... Exhausted...
Drained of all the energy in me....

Today is one of those days... 
I don't feel like fighting any more....
I'm done with searching for alternatives for alternatives of alternatives....
Mainly because I feel that I'm going nowhere....

When you don't recognize the person with a sad and tired face that stares at you in the mirror, it get harder and harder every day...

And today I feel like I've reached to bottom.... 
There's not a single drop of energy in me... Nothing but the will to curl myself in the corner and wait....
But wait for what?
What kind of miracle could I expect to happen?

I wonder where did I get the strength to carry on in the past....
Where did I find myself, when no mirror could reflect the person I hopped to be...

Today is one of those days... In which exhaustion got the best (and all that was left) of me....

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

How far can a tear go?

For quite a reasonable period of time I was seen by many as an optimistic person. The kind of person that doesn't get carried away very easily.
And now, in one of those moments that exhaustion as taken its turn, I wonder about how strong can one be.

There are several situations in our lives that forces us forward.
We may move on either by option or simply because there is no other option.

And if it is so, what meaning can one attribute to tears.
Are tears the ultimate symbol of weakness? Or they are just the strategy that the stronger ones cling on to every once in a while?

Personally, I think that I am extremely far away from being emotionless.
It is a fact that I have seen my fare share of misery and suffering. It is also true that in most of those situations I chose not to intervene.
But don't be fooled, because that does not mean that I didn't felt their pain.

Might that mean that I am a ruthless person?
Might that mean that I never get carried away?
NO! It does not!

In some moments we are just not supposed to cry. Whereas in other being washed by our own tears is the ultimate way of keeping strong.

Saturday, November 16, 2013


Sometimes I go back and remember about I used to picture meditation. For some reason I saw it as a waste of time and felt reluctant about even trying it.

Now it's getting to be more and more of a way to find the answers that are well hidden inside of my subconscious. 
I am constantly being surprised by the paths that my mind chooses. And the peace it brings me is something that I cherish. 

It's funny that they say that with age you tend to change.... It might of been my case.
Well, not that I notice any kind of drastic changes in me. But maybe it was just the way that all the small and subtle changes accumulated along the years....

And my relation with meditation it just more proof of it.... 
I might not be wiser, but I accept the things that are and try to deal with them in the best way possible....

Thursday, November 14, 2013


To those of whom misfortune knocks on the door, having someone to share their grief with is extremely important. But I cannot help to wonder, is simpathy necessarily the same as living another's bad experiences?

Too often we listen to people complaining about the bad things that happened in their lives. How sad their are about what happened... How unfortunate they are...and so on...
But is it really necessary to feel sad as well? 

Not long ago, I listened to someone explaining that while one understands the challenges that another has to overcome it does not mean that we have to go through them as well. 
So you don't have to be sad just to show that you simpathise for a bad moment in person's life. 

Needless to say that this is not the same as being heartless. It is obvious that when a natural catastrophe hits, and thousands die, you don't go running around screaming that it does not touch you, that it does not affect you. 
Well, you might (if that is really what you are feeling).... But you can also accept what you feel at that moment, and move on... 
Because sometimes moving on is what allows us to do something to overcome the challanged of life! 

Wednesday, November 13, 2013


How can one impose own's opinion into someone else's life?

The exercise of exposing one's perspective is often requested in several moments of our day to day lives, but to be honest, is it really important?

I know for a fact that while expressing my opinion I am solely transmitting an opinion based on my own's past experiences. And with that in mind, how can I expect it to be valid for someone else? 

We are not all alike (thank God for that!), therefore one's experience is sometimes impossible to apply in a completely different life story. 

Anyhow, even though I am fully aware of this important fact, I will express my own perspective regarding some emerging topics of this society that we all live in. 

So please, feel free to express your own opinions... either about the topic itself or about my opinion.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

The beginning

When we are born everyone has an enormous list of expectations for us...
And the funny thing about them is that they to often forget what we want for ourselves, and for our own future...

At this moment, I cannot help but wonder about my own expectations for this space... Are my expectations realist? And do they have to be?

It´s obvious that I know what was my intention when I created this space... And what is my purpose for it...
But to tell the truth I'm not even slightly worried if it turns out to be something completely different...

So lets wait and see...