Tuesday, November 26, 2013


What about the moments in which we feel that we're not but a wreack of ourselves?
To where can one for, when it feels like there's no where else to go?

For quite some time I've been feeling tired.... Exhausted...
Drained of all the energy in me....

Today is one of those days... 
I don't feel like fighting any more....
I'm done with searching for alternatives for alternatives of alternatives....
Mainly because I feel that I'm going nowhere....

When you don't recognize the person with a sad and tired face that stares at you in the mirror, it get harder and harder every day...

And today I feel like I've reached to bottom.... 
There's not a single drop of energy in me... Nothing but the will to curl myself in the corner and wait....
But wait for what?
What kind of miracle could I expect to happen?

I wonder where did I get the strength to carry on in the past....
Where did I find myself, when no mirror could reflect the person I hopped to be...

Today is one of those days... In which exhaustion got the best (and all that was left) of me....

1 comment:

  1. Remember those days you felt "invincible"?
    ...recall them vividly from your memory... relive them in your mind!

    The future is not written... the past does not equal the future, and neither does the present. So... who's to say that, in spite of your current feeling of despair, the future will not bring you your dreams?

    Use your best past moments to inspire you again, be objective to what you seek, to what you feel you need, what you want... and you'll get the answers you're looking for.
