Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Who are you?

Who is that person that looks in the mirror?
Who are you?
You, that held a dying woman's hand to give her some comfort...
Who are you?
Yes, you... the one that felt your heart rejoice when a baby decided to be born into your hands...
Who are you?
Who is the girl that danced in the middle of the street with a homeless man just because he told you the story of how his wife and baby girl died...
Who are you?
The one that didn't allow pain and bruises from falling of the stairs to held you back...
Who are you?
Who is that person that fought so hard for a dream that when it came true you already had another dream to fight for...
Who are you?
Who is the person that dazzled with the nigh sky in Africa just as much as it rejoiced with the snow falling while you were out in the sea...
Who are you?
That little girl that loved her grandpa so much that she woke up praying for him not to dye in the morning after he had passed away...
Who are you?
You that never believed in princes and ended up finding your own prince...
Who are you?
Yes, you!
Who are you?
Yes, you that looks into my eyes and smiles...

Because you know it's ok.... even if you don't know who you are...

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